The procedure for reviewing articles in Forum Logopedyczne conforms with the recommendations of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, specified in the leaflet „Good Practices in Reviewing Procedures in Science”, Warszawa 2011.
Stages of acceptance and procedures for reviewing articles:
Submission of the article for publication in Forum Logopedyczne is tantamount to the author’s consent to the reviewing procedure adopted in the journal.
All submissions are first reviewed by the Editorial Board for compliance with the profile of the journal and basic methodological and substantive requirements. At this stage the texts are subject to preliminary changes and assessment. It is important to fulfill the editorial requirements specified in Information for Authors Preparing Texts for Publication.
The articles accepted at the preliminary stage are assigned an editorial number: the number identifies an article at further stages of the reviewing process. The articles, without the names of authors, are sent to two external (independent) reviewers who are recognized authorities in their fields (double-blind review process).
The submitted articles are subject to the following procedures:
1. Preliminary formal assessment by the Editorial Board whether the article complies with the journal’s profile and with basic methodological and substantive requirements. The Editorial Board gives a preliminary opinion about the article. In exceptional cases the Editor-in-Chief appoints an additional reviewer – member of the Editorial Committee, whose scientific specialization is relevant to the content of the assessed article.
2. The Editor-in-Chief submits the complete issue of the journal for review. The issue is sent to two independent reviewers, who review each article separately on special review forms. The list of reviewers is published once a year on the editorial page.
3. The Author is informed about the result of the review. If there are comments by the reviewers, the article is returned to the Author so that s/he could make the suggested corrections.
4. The final decision as to whether to qualify the article for publication will be made by the Editor-in-Chief